Company Code | Company Name | Year | Primary ISIC | Accounts payable | Accounts receivable (A/R) | Additional Comments | Additions to compulsory reserves | Additions to special reserves | Additions to voluantry reserves | Adjustments from previous years | Amortization expenses | Asset impairment allowance | Bad debt allowance | Bank Deposits | Bank loans and credit | Bonds | Capital expenditures | Cash balance | Cash balance-beginning | Cash dividends | Cash dividends paid from compulsory reserves | Cash dividends paid from retained earnings | Cash dividends paid from special reserves | Cash dividends paid from voluntary reserves | Certificate of Deposits | Change in cash balance | Cleints Deposits | Common stock | Comprehensive income | Comprehensive Income available to Shareholders | Compulsory reserves capitalization | Consumer lending | Corporate lending | Cost of goods sold | Current assets | Current Deposits | Debt amortization | Deferred income tax - Assets | Deferred income tax assets- Liability | Depletion expenses | Deposits at other banks and financial institutions - Assets | Deposits at other banks and financial institutions - liabilities | Deposits at the central bank | Depreciation expenses | Dividend income | Dividends per share (DPS) | Earnings before interest and tax | Earnings before tax | Earnings per share (EPS) | Financial assets at fair value | Financial cash flows | Fixed assets-gross | Fixed assets-net | Foreign exchange gain (loss) | Goodwill | Goushan Deposits | Intangible assets | Interest expenses | Interest income | Inventory | Investment cash flows | Investment in unconsolidated affiliates | Long-term debt | Mandatory reserves-ending balance | Minority Sharholders | Net cash flows | Net income | Net Income - Affiliated Company | Net Income available to Shareholders | Non-interest income | Notes payable | Notes receivable (N/R) | Number of employees | Number of employees-female | Number of employees-male | Number of shares- Weighted average | Number of shares-Authorized | Number of shares-Outstanding | Operating cash flows | Operating expenses | Operating income | Other expenses | Other revenues | Owners equity | Paid-in-capital in excess of par | PPE-Gross | PPE-net | Preferred stock | Research and development expenses | Retail lending | Retained earnings- beginning balance | Retained earnings capitalization | Retained earnings end of year before payment of dividends | Retained earnings- ending balance | Revenues | Saving Deposits | Short-term debt | Special reserves capitalization | Stock dividends | Stock Issuance | Stock repurchases | Tax expenses | Term Deposits | Total assets | Total Assets - Affiliated Company | Total credit | Total Equity - Affiliated Company | Total liabilities | Total Liabilities - Affiliated Company | Total revenues | Treasury stock | Voluntary reserves capitalization | Voluntary reserves-ending balance | Wages and salaries expenses | Year Established |
Company Code | Year | Primary ISIC |
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